ShadowNamespace for storing shadow data [Ref]
shadow_namespace = "/.shadow"
ShareFolder defines the name of the folder in the shadowed namespace. Ex: /eos/user/.shadow/h/hugo/MyShares [Ref]
share_folder = "/MyShares"
Location of the eos binary. Default is /usr/bin/eos. [Ref]
eos_binary = "/usr/bin/eos"
Location of the xrdcopy binary. Default is /usr/bin/xrdcopy. [Ref]
xrdcopy_binary = "/usr/bin/xrdcopy"
URL of the Master EOS MGM. Default is [Ref]
master_url = "root://"
URI of the EOS MGM grpc server Default is empty [Ref]
master_grpc_uri = "root://"
URL of the Slave EOS MGM. Default is [Ref]
slave_url = "root://"
Location on the local fs where to store reads. Defaults to os.TempDir() [Ref]
cache_directory = "/var/tmp/"
SecProtocol specifies the xrootd security protocol to use between the server and EOS. [Ref]
sec_protocol = "-"
UserLayout wraps the internal path with user information. Example: if conf.Namespace is /eos/user and received path is /docs and the UserLayout is {{.Username}} the internal path will be: /eos/user/[storage.fs.eosgrpc]
user_layout = "-"
Enables logging of the commands executed Defaults to false [Ref]
enable_logging = false
ShowHiddenSysFiles shows internal EOS files like .sys.v# and .sys.a# files. [Ref]
show_hidden_sys_files = -
ForceSingleUserMode will force connections to EOS to use SingleUsername [Ref]
force_single_user_mode = false
UseKeyTabAuth changes will authenticate requests by using an EOS keytab. [Ref]
UseKeytab = false
EnableHome enables the creation of home directories. [Ref]
enable_home = false
Authkey is the key that authorizes this client to connect to the GRPC service It’s unclear whether this will be the final solution [Ref]
authkey = "-"